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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this project affiliated to any organization?

No, we are health workers who have come together to address a gap we identified in our clients - inadequate access to dietary diversity and knowledge gap on NCD risk factors among PLHIV, more so women and girls. Through stakeholder engagements, we partner with the Department of Health, County Government of Homa Bay, the community and other CSOs

Why NCDs

Studies have shown an upward trend of NCDs among PLHIV, especially in resource-poor settings. NCDs are preventable yet they have devastating effects on health systems, families, and immense economic burden.
Many people are undiagnosed hence we create awareness of the risk factors as well as address two of the risk factors as a prevention and control strategy

Who funds your activities?

We don't have any funders yet, but we have fundraised amongst ourselves to kick start the project. We would appreciate any kind of support to extend to nine more groups

How can one help/ join the cause

Thank you for your interest!
You can donate seeds, other farm inputs, help buy T-shirts with key messages, help in producing flyers- IEC materials, support monthly meetings, and many more.
You can reach out through the contacts given in the contact section

We welcome partners who are interested in duplicating and scaling the initiative

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